Starting seeds - Direct Sow vs Indoor Starting
Continuing with our blog posts on starting seeds in your home garden, today we are discussing the two main types of sowing for your edible home garden. Direct Sow This is a system of sowing your seeds directly into the soil in your outdoor beds or containers. While this may seem like the easiest way to go, it is not always the best way to get your seeds to germinate well and eventually have a strong healthy plant. For direct sowing, you need to consider various things; the temperature, proper soil drainage, and specific seed requirements. For many shallow-rooted crops like carrots and radishes, it is best to sow them directly outdoors in your beds or containers as their roots do not like being disturbed. Depending on the temperatures in your area, the soil and air may be too cold or too hot to start your seeds outdoors. You therefore need to consider what is for your local area. Plants that reach maturity in 70 days or less may do better with direct sowing, e.g. lettuc...